Make audiences care by telling compelling stories about your research
You spend years doing your research.
You feel like your research could make a difference.
But it’s not.
You aren’t the talk of the academic conference. But you should be.
You aren’t persuading policy makers to change. But you know your findings could change practice, save money & make lives better.
You aren’t getting the funding you bid for. But you know your work is valuable to your discipline and the world.
You are stuck. Maybe you’ve published your paper, sent it out to important people you need to listen, and even posted it on social media. Only to get zero engagement.
You might have tried the traditional PowerPoint at a conference; or writing an intricately detailed funding proposal too. Even though your findings are valuable, no one shows any interest.
So, you think: ‘I need to do something differently here’. But what?
You feel overwhelmed - where do you start?
How do you make your work clear, compelling and crucial?
How do you get audiences to understand, believe in and fund your work?
Storytelling makes your work CLEAR so any audiences get it.
Storytelling makes your work COMPELLING so colleagues listen, policy makers pay attention, and funders keep reading.
Storytelling makes your work CAPTURE the hearts of your audiences. So colleagues rave about you, policy makers talk to you, and funders fund you.
I learned so much! I feel empowered to use simple storytelling techniques to revolutionise my academic presenting.
Researcher, University of Surrey
I realised the power of telling your research as a narrative, and that you can put the passion in that drives you to help engage people. It actually works!
Researcher, University of Surrey
I loved the easily accessible frameworks, tools and activities to help me apply my knowledge. It doesn’t take a lot to make presentations more impressive and make a huge impact!
NHS Leader
STORYSLINGERS empowers you to distill your work into key messages; weave it into narratives that captivate audiences; and present it powerfully.
So you get the recognition, funding and real world impact you deserve.
After the session, you’ll be able to:
SIMPLIFY your research into the most important, persuasive messages
BUILD a story that communicates your findings so they stick
TELL those stories confidently through presentations, writing or conversations so audiences sit up and listen
All of our courses are delivered as either: