NHS Ambulance Service & Allied Health Practitioners
Addressing health inequalities with the NHS.
Addressing health inequalities with the NHS.
Health inequalities are avoidable differences in people’s health outcomes based on their background or where they live. With such a big organisation like the NHS, it’s hard for individual practitioners to know the role that they play to help address them.
Both the Ambulance Service and Allied Health Professionals got in touch with Nifty to find a way to help colleagues understand what they could do day to day to address health inequalities.
With a topic as juicy and important as differences in population health, we had to find a way to make it simple and solvable for practitioners in their everyday actions.
We worked with both teams through our discovery session to create an animation script that:
We created two, two minute animations matching NHS brand guidelines so that time pressed NHS staff could absorb this information quickly on staff intranets, digital notice boards and social media.
We also worked with members of NHS teams to record the voiceovers, to make the animation by NHS professionals, for NHS professionals.
Both animations are used across the NHS and hosted on Trust YouTube Channels to raise awareness of and improve responses to health inequalities as part of the NHS Core 20 + 5 programme. It has been circulated widely on social media too.
We are so happy with the infographic and animation - everyone on the team loves it and it will be invaluable to our Core 20 + 5 work.
Jessie Frost, Chartered Physiotherapist, Chief Sustainability Officer’s Clinical Fellow
Ready to tell your story visually?