If Politics Was An Animal, What Would it Be? University of Leeds

The Hero

Professor Cristina Leston-Bandeira, University of Leeds

The Problem

‘If politics was an animal, what would it be?’

Cristina and her research team asked this question at research workshops to understand how the lay public engage with parliamentary processes. They had so many incredible answers to this question, and presenting it in a word document didn’t seem to cut it.

To share this data and influence parliamentary process, they needed an engaging, interactive and striking product to stop busy stakeholders in their tracks.

The Solution

Nifty Fox took the written outputs from the workshops, and came up with a menagerie of animal characters to bring them to life - from our tie wearing giraffe, to conservative, glasses wearing elephant!

We then created a suite of different ways for audiences to engage with the material, including:

  • a static infographic

  • interactive infographic

  • key message trailer video

  • tri-fold leaflet

The Result

Cristina and the team are now using these outputs as part of their dissemination activities.

Landscape of 'political animals' and descriptions next to them