You are a researcher. An educator. Or a leader.

You have complicated ideas to communicate.

Ideas that have the power to change the world. Ideas to empower the next generation. Ideas to drive organisational change for the better.

But words alone don’t seem to be working.

Your ideas languish in reports never read; PowerPoints that are yawned through; and conversations that never seem to drive action.

You can’t quite articulate yourself clearly so audiences really listen.

If only there was a way to communicate that made you stand out? The cut through the complexity to true clarity? That actually got s**t done?!

The Solution:


In a time poor, information overloaded, and disconnected world, more words aren’t the answer.

Drawing is.

Simple, hand drawn pictures created in minutes (called ‘Atomic Visuals ™’) help audiences get, do or fund your ideas in seconds. (See the science here).

CRITICAL INKING empowers you to communicate complex ideas visually; present them through simple drawings; and captivate audiences to drive change.

So your ideas finally get the recognition, traction and buy in they deserve.

A graph showing words get less action than 'Atomic Visuals'

You might be skeptical 

Two pencil illustrations crossing over each other

‘But I can’t draw’

Using the visual alphabet, we’ll get you drawing in 90 seconds and arm you with a visual library to draw 99.9% of what’s in your head.

An illustration of a person with a thought bubble with a question mark inside

‘But I’m not creative!’

You don’t have to be, using our Atomic Visual ™ frameworks you’ll have the tools you need to communicate clearly with just a pen and paper.

An illustration of someone presenting on a board surrounded by 'Haha' speech bubbles

‘But I won’t be credible’

The greatest minds of the last 300 years have all used simple drawings to communicate. We’ll give you all the science and case studies to help you apply this new found skill with credibility and confidence.

An image of a zoom call Nifty Fox hosted to do Critical Inking training

After the session, you’ll be able to:

SIMPLIFY your ideas into the most crucial, core components
DRAW those ideas using the Atomic Visual ™ method
CAPTIVATE audiences by drawing those ideas live in the conference room, classroom or meeting room.

An illustrated and simplified Venn diagram showing 'Simplify your ideas', 'Draw quickly & clearly' and 'Captivate audiences'

At Nifty, we take the overwhelm and mystery out of drawing to communicate. We’ll arm you with:

  • Our Atomic Visual ™ method break down any idea into visual components and draw it quickly
  • Our Atomic Visual ™ Vault packed with real life visual examples to inspire your drawing, where you could apply them IRL, and continue your learning
  • Time to practice and perfect your skills in the session with other critical inkers just like you!
  • Most importantly, the confidence to present visually so you stand out from the noise.

Here’s some simple visuals our students have created to explain their work already, after just a two hour session!

A collection of simple visuals students of the course have done so far.

See the session outline

  1. The power of critical inking - why simple drawings engage audiences and get things done
  2. What’s holding you back - identifying the limiting beliefs that prevent you from drawing, and creating a new mindset
  3. The thinking before the inking part one - how to distill your research into key ideas
  4. The thinking before the inking part two - how to break those ideas into key visual pieces using the difference, relationship and process framework
  5. How to draw - how to use the visual alphabet to draw 99.9% of what’s in your head
  6. Inking critically - using visual frameworks to draw your ideas
  7. Design theory 101 - simple visual principles for clear, impactful drawings
  8. Critical inking in real life - how to use your new skills in the conference room, classroom or boardroom.


Critical inking is delivered as either:

  • Self paced e-course with follow up virtual Q&A
  • In person half or full day session
  • Virtual 2-3 hour session
  • A 30 day cohort community course