Exploring How We Guard Our Data

The Hero

Universities of Warwick and Edinburgh

The Challenge

Have you ever thought about how your data is protected? From smart watches to our browsing history, our data is constantly monitored. New research from Warwick and Edinburgh explored whether a data trust - or a group of impartial people responsible for safeguarding our data interests - would be a good new model for working with research participant data. The team were struggling to articulate this complex concept in a way that made sense to lay audiences - this is where Nifty came in.

The Solution

We worked with the research team and public involvement group to make the concept of data trusts easy to understand through a snappy script. We iterated storyboards and an animation style together to create a crystal clear explainer animation.

The Result

The research team has used this animation to recruit research participants to the new study and test whether data trusts work for research. This has the potential to completely change the face of data protection across ALL research projects.

We found it really easy to work on this with the Nifty team, and the process of feedback and amendments were very easy to engage with. We felt heard every step of the way.
— Principal Investigator | University of Warwick