Nifty Fox worked with the University of Nottingham and UK Sports Institute team to create a brand, website and in-person exhibition that took into account multiple stakeholder audiences. Each product had to balance the accuracy and gravity of research findings, with the need for sports practitioners and policy makers to have concrete actions to make change.
Improving Patient Public Involvement Within Funded Research
Exploring South Asian Women's Body Image
Ankita had just finished her research on South Asian Women’s body image in a UK context. With such important findings, she couldn’t let this research languish in the pages of report that might not be read. She contacted Nifty to help her bring her research message to life through the power of animation.
Flippin’ Pain Impact Report
The Hero
Flippin’ Pain - Connect Health
The Problem
The Flippin’ Pain team needed a way to present their campaign journey so far to change the way we talk about, think about and treat persistent pain. They needed to reflect the data, but also the human impact of their work in an accessible, engaging and bitesized way.
The Solution
Nifty Fox worked collaboratively with the FP team to create an animation - voiced by a person with lived experience - and an interactive visual summary report to celebrate the achievements and demonstrate the social, economic, and psychological impact of the interventions so far.
The Result
The report and animation are now being used with shareholders, funders and future campaign partners to increase support for campaign activity.